This study investigated Work–Family Conflict (WFC) as predictor of burnout among female nurses. 234 (two hundred and thirty-four) participants (married female nurses) randomly drawn from four hospitals in Enugu State of Nigeria participated in the study. Two instruments used in collecting data were subscales of Maslach and Jackson (1986) Burnout Inventory, validated by Okonkwo (2011), and Okonkwo (2011) Work-Family Conflict Scale.The study adopted correlational design and Pearson r correlational coefficient was used to analyze the data generated.The results indicated a non-significant correlation between global WFC and Burnout (p>.05).However,both WFC and its sub scales(time-based”TB’’ & strain-based”SB”) significantly and positively correlated with reduced personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion at p=.05. Thus, as WFC increases, there is also an increase in reduced personal accomplishment and emotional exhaustion components of burnout.The discussion, limitations and implication of the study were made based on the findings.
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