Given the various kinds of immediate and long-term physical and psychological effects of FGM/C, this study evaluates the audience response to intervention measures on Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) in Ebonyi State, Nigeria. The study was able to identify the cultural practices related to FGM/C, intervention measures on the practice, audience response the intervention measures and factors affecting audience response. A mixed-method approach was adopted, with a sample size of 400 participants from two Local Government Areas and Abakaliki City. The results showed a positive response to intervention measures despite cultural addiction, secret perpetrators, age, gender, educational qualification, fear of speaking out, and slow progress being significant factors affecting response. The study recommends an intensified public awareness and education to combat FGM/C. The study concludes that audience response to the intervention measures on FGM/C is positive, although there are dominant factors fighting their decision and action, thereby slowing down the effectiveness of those intervention measures. Based on the findings, the study recommends among others, that Ebonyi State government should engage the media to reinforce awareness raised about the physical and psychological consequences of FGM and debunk the misconceptions surrounding this harmful practice.
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