Chigozie Pearl Unegbu, PhD, Nathaniel Esther Obong-Anwan, PhD, Olufunmilayo Oyelude, PhD, Ikhianosimhe Benjamin Ako, PhD, Bukola Alao, PhD, Grace Idowu Oyalabu, PhD


This study examined the relationship between family conflict and academic performance among undergraduate students in Ogun State. The family is the closest social group which every individual belongs and where long-lasting relationships are visible. The impact of family relationship on its members is as the impact of water to crops. Conflict is inevitable, as it is part of human dealings but can be managed so it does not escalate to a point of causing damage to individual or group’s emotions, physical state and psychological state. Utilizing a quantitative approach, data were collected through structured questionnaire administered to diverse sample of students across various institutions in Ogun State. The analysis revealed that higher level of family conflict correlate with lower academic performance, highlighting the emotional and psychological toll of family discord on students’ educational outcomes. Factors such as parental support, communication styles and conflict resolution strategies were also examined, demonstrating their significant impact on academic success. The findings underscored the importance of addressing family dynamics to enhance students’ academic experiences and outcomes suggesting that interventions aimed at improving family relationships could be beneficial for academic achievement. The study concluded that family conflict has strong negative relationship on academic performance of undergraduate students in Ogun State.The study recommends that parents should consider the effect of highly level family conflict on their children.  Victims of family conflict should be encouraged to meet good counselors.  A beautiful and cheery atmosphere was recommended too as it helps to relief stress. Again, to overcome anxiety for test and examination, students were encouraged to get enough sleep and study hard.


Family, Conflict, Family Conflict, Academic Performance, Academic Challenges.

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