Analysis of financial statement is a vital instrument for good decision making in business enterprise. Good decision ensures business survival profitability and growth. Thus, without financial statement analysis on enterprise is likely to make decision that could spell its doom. The main objective of this project work therefore was to determine how (Ahason Investment Limited, Onitsha, Anambra State) could use Analysis of Financial Statement to aid them in managerial decisions making regarding liquidity, profitability, debt management, inventory management, Asset utilization and Debit financing. Research questions were formulated to guide the conduct of the study which actually helped to identify the problem of Ahason Investment, Onitsha Anambra State. The data used in this research were gathered from primary and secondary sources. The primary data were secured from the firm under investigation through a review of related literature which highlighted the views of different authors in the relevant field. Eighty questionnaires were administered while Fifty-one (51) were completed and returned, questionnaire were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation co-efficient technique. The finding revealed that the analysis of financial statement helps in good decision-making process. The study also concluded that the company should pay great attention to the use of financial statement analysis so as to properly equip themselves with the in valuable to in its decisions making.
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