F. U. Chinweoke


The main aim of carrying out research in mathematics education is to enhance teachers’ classroom performances and students’ academic achievement in mathematics. This study is on effectiveness of lesson study and team teaching on secondary school students’ achievement in mathematics in Nsukka Education Zone. The study was pretest-post-test, non-equivalent and non-randomized,, quasi experimental design. Two co-educational schools were purposively selected from 22 co-educational schools in the 31 public secondary schools in Nsukka Local Government Area. 80 students were drawn out of population of 7,200 students in the public schools. The instrument used for the study was a validated mathematics achievement test (MAT) which has a reliability coefficient of 0.78 estimated using Cronbach alpha formulas. The data obtained were analyzed using mean and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The results obtained showed that lesson study has a significant effect on students’ achievement in mathematics. Gender was also found to have significant influence on students’ achievement in mathematics as the female students achieved higher than the male students. The recommendation is that mathematics teachers should adopt the lesson study method of teaching in teaching students mathematics to enhance students’ achievement and sustainability in mathematics education.

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