Callistus Chinwuba Ugwu, Ogbeide Egheosase Davies Ojeaga


Employee work engagement, an emerging issue of 21st century is critical for the success of organizations. The present study investigated organizational justices and employee work engagement using a comparative approach of public and private sector educational institutions in southeastern Nigeria. One hundred and eighteen (118) employees of both public and private tertiary educational institutions in Enugu metropolis, southeastern Nigeria was purposively sampled. Three hypotheses were tested. Pearson’s product-moment correlation and Independent t-test were the statistical tools used in analyzing the data collected. The findings of the study revealed significant positive relationship between organizational justices (distributive, procedural, and interactional) and employee work engagement. Employees of private tertiary educational institutions have a higher level of employee work engagement than employees of public tertiary educational institutions. However, employees of both public and private tertiary educational institutions did not differ in their perceptions of organizational justices. The findings of this study are discussed with reference to the reviewed literature, Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model and Social Exchange Theory (SET). The present study highlights the need for employees to be provided with resources needed to perform their work roles since it has beneficial effects on employee work engagement.


Organizational justices, employee work engagement, job demands-resources (JD-R) model, social exchange theory, Enugu metropolis, Southeastern Nigeria.

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