Jerry Okoronkwo


This paper takes a look at the current efforts by the Federal Government of Nigeria to improving the country's tax( firs) system aimed at repositioning it for greater influence seeks to explain the goodness of the nation’s tax system, having any relative impact in regulating the economy/Also, what the government can do to ensure effective tax policy and administration in Nigeria as regards to income redistribution, Furthermore, the study is aimed at portraying taxation as a tool for economic regulation and control rather than a mere revenue mobilization and collection mechanism as regarding international standard for economic repositioning especially for developing economies. This was done with the use of statistical instrumentality of data collection (primary and secondary sources which involves questionnaire and published materials) and analysis. Hence, the method used is the chi-square (x2 ) statistical method after carefully collecting data through the use of questionnaire (primary source for data collection) to test the stated hypothesis. At the end of the research work, It is observed that the existing tax system in Nigeria can guarantee welfare development which can be achieved through an effective tax policy and administration. Recommendations for the success include adequate findings of tax authorities, Simplification of the system, a review of certain areas of the tax laws and the likes were being proffered.

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