Davies Ojeaga Ogbeide Egheosase, Elizabeth Chukwuma


This study investigated the predictive effects of perceived styles of leadership on quit intentions among civil servants in Anambra State, Nigeria. 321 civil servants drawn from various Ministries of the State participated in the study.  There were 200 males (representing 56% of the total sample size) and 121 females (representing 44% of total sample size). Their ages ranged from 27 – 46 years (Mean = 44.54; SD = 55.22). The study design was cross-sectional with two levels of leadership – consideration leadership style; and initiating structure leadership style. One hypothesis, stating that initiating structure leadership style will be more predictive of quit intentions among Civil Servants in Anambra State was tested using regression analysis. Results of regression analysis showed that the initiating structure leadership style predicted turnover intentions among employees in a significant way R2 = 0.46; F = 382.15, p < 0.001; 95 % (1.13, 1.45) for initiating structure leadership and F = 382.15, p < 0.08;                      95 % (-.34, .028) for consideration leadership. This result confirmed the study hypothesis. Implications, study limitations and recommendations for subsequent research were highlighted.


Consideration Leadership, Initiating Structure Leadership, Quit Intentions

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