This study examined the assessment of students’ attitudes towards teaching and learning of Social Studies Education in Colleges of Education in Niger State. A sample of one thousand (1000) NCE II NCE III Social Studies student were drawn from Federal College of Education, Kontagora and Niger State College of Education, Minna. A reliability (HO1) showed that there is statistically no significant difference between male and female NCE II and NCE III towards the teaching and learning of Social Studies Education. The T-value is however not significant at 0.05 level significance level significance, (t=0.28,df=971, p>0.0). Hence, the Null hypothesis one was therefore upheld. While in hypothesis two (HO2) the calculated T-value was significant at the 0.05 level. This indicates that there is significant difference between NCE II and NCE III students towards the teaching and learning of Social Studies Education, (t=2.454, df=973, p<0.1).Hence the null hypothesis two (HO2) was rejected. Hypothesis three (HO3), the result is at 0.05 significant level. This indicates that there is a significant difference in the perception of teachers and inadequate Social Studies textbooks (F=14.686, df=5843, p<0.05). The Null hypothesis three (HO3) is therefore rejected. While in hypothesis four (HO4) the result showed that there is a significant difference between the curriculum objectives, content and evaluation which influence students attitudes towards the teaching and learning of Social Studies Education, (F=701.373, df=2915, p<0.05). Based on these, conclusion was draw and recommendations made for further research work.
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