Sabina okwunwa Okenyi, Emmanuel Ifeanyi Eze, Joseph Nwabunwanne Okenyi


This experiment investigated the influence of caffeinated substance on sleep inhibition and mental alertness among undergraduates. Participants were selected using Pittsburgh sleep quality scale (PQSI) and were randomly assigned to the experimental and control conditions. The experimental group ingested 200mg of caffeinated coffee while the control group ingested 200mg of decaffeinated coffee. Following this, participants subjectively given sleepiness and mental alertness using the Stanford sleepless scale (SSS) and the United States Air force school of Aerospace medicine (USAFSAM) mental fatigue. Using MANOVA, the results showed that caffeinated substance effectively inhibited sleep and induced mental alertness without gender differences on caffeinated substance.


caffeinated substance, sleep inhibition, mental alertness.

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