This paper examines the accelerating growth in social media usage in Nigeria, with special attention on youth in the South Eastern part of the country. The implication of this development for human dignity communication is also considered. The paper argues that social media is an effective communication tool with the potential to promote human dignity, if properly exploited, especially among youth in Nigeria. Hinged on the Development Media Theory and Technological Acceptance Model, this study investigated the relationship between increase in social media adoption among young people in two cities of Enugu and Onitsha and the reoccurring incidences of human right violations and abuse in society. A total of 300 young people selected from the two cities were surveyed and results indicated that numerous media reports, user generated contents and updates on human rights issues uploaded to social media (mostly on Facebook and YouTube) negatively affects the perception and attitude of people towards the concept of human dignity. Drawing on Ede (2007, p.97) position that “human beings are the principal focus of the visible world,” the paper recommends that a new educational policy on social media literacy be included in the university curriculum as well as in all levels of education in Nigeria.
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