Davies Ojeaga Ogbeide Egheosase, Matthew Arinze Okeke


This study investigated the influence of work life balance of the quality and quantity of performance by employees of the Anambra State judiciary. The target population of interest was a total of 200 Anambra State Judiciary employees. The study target population was divided along the three Senatorial Zones – Anambra South; Anambra North; and Anambra Central. Two hundred copies of the study questionnaire were administered on  prospective respondents from which 160 useable copies were retrieved. From the 160 useable questionnaire copies retrieved, a representative sample size of 134 was obtained  using the Taro Yamane (1967) formula. Two hypotheses which state that flexible work schedules will not have a significant influence on employee performance in the Anambra State Judiciary; and leave programs will not have a significant influence on employee performance in the Anambra State Judiciary were advanced. The independent variable studied explained 77.10% of the influence on employee work performance as represented by the adjusted R2. From the ANOVA statistics, the study showed that the regression model had a significance level of 0.2%, indicating that the data was ideal for making a conclusion on the population parameters as the value of significance (p-Value) was less than 5%.The calculated value was greater than the critical value (33.0548 > 12.654) an indication that Flexible Work Schedules and Leave Programmes do actually influence employee performance. Conclusions and recommendations were highlighted.


Work-Life Balance, Performance, Flexible Work Schedules

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