This study investigated the influence of work life balance of the quality and quantity of performance by employees of the Anambra State judiciary. The target population of interest was a total of 200 Anambra State Judiciary employees. The study target population was divided along the three Senatorial Zones – Anambra South; Anambra North; and Anambra Central. Two hundred copies of the study questionnaire were administered on prospective respondents from which 160 useable copies were retrieved. From the 160 useable questionnaire copies retrieved, a representative sample size of 134 was obtained using the Taro Yamane (1967) formula. Two hypotheses which state that flexible work schedules will not have a significant influence on employee performance in the Anambra State Judiciary; and leave programs will not have a significant influence on employee performance in the Anambra State Judiciary were advanced. The independent variable studied explained 77.10% of the influence on employee work performance as represented by the adjusted R2. From the ANOVA statistics, the study showed that the regression model had a significance level of 0.2%, indicating that the data was ideal for making a conclusion on the population parameters as the value of significance (p-Value) was less than 5%.The calculated value was greater than the critical value (33.0548 > 12.654) an indication that Flexible Work Schedules and Leave Programmes do actually influence employee performance. Conclusions and recommendations were highlighted.
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