This study investigated the reliability and validity of the Covenant Emotional Intelligence Scale [CEIS] as a tool for monitoring human wellbeing and propensity for productive group work. Content validity was established with the judgment of psychology experts. The qualitative experts’ review revealed some items that needed to be discarded or re-worded. The sample size was 166 persons [34 males and 127 females]. The internal consistency reliability was established with the split-half and inter-item correlations. The construct validity was established with factor analysis and independent t-test. The reliability indices obtained via Cronbach alpha, Spearman-Brown and Guttman coefficients were significant. The Exploratory Factor Analyses and Confirmatory Factor Analyses furnished three factors. The confirmed factors furnished significant differences in the emotional intelligence scores of those who had health issues and those without health issues, which suggested the construct validity of the CEIS. It was recommended that more studies be undertaken to further establish the reliability and validity of CEIS.
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