Ejike A. Okomkwo, Blessing N. Onuibe, Chinwendu M. Okoro, Onyinye E. Madu


This study investigated the influence of task and location on emotional exhaustion among university workers. One hundred and twenty-six (126) participants comprising 58 academic and 68 non-academic university workers between the ages of 28 to 59 years (M = 39.81, SD = 6.31 years) were sampled using purposive sampling technique. A 9–item Emotional Exhaustion Subscale (EES) drawn from Maslach and Jackson (1986) Burnout Inventory was administered. A cross–sectional survey design was used while 2x2 ANOVA F-test for unequal sample was applied as a statistical test in analyzing the hypotheses. The result revealed that task F(1,122) = .237, p>.05 and location F(1,122) = .212, p>.05 had no significant influence on university workers’ manifestation of emotional exhaustion. The findings were discussed considering the fact that university work in Enugu State University of Science and Technology as a human service profession is characterized by many activities that could lead to exhaustion among workers. Based on the outcomes, it was concluded that task and location had no significant influence on emotional exhaustion experienced by university workers.

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