Callistus Ogu (PhD)


The study evaluates Foreign Direct Investment and exchange rate fluctuation in Nigeria. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of exchange rate fluctuation, interest rate, inflation, Gross fixed capital formation and Gross domestic product on Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria. In this study, secondary data were collected from the CBN statistical bulletin for the period of 1980-2016 and was analyzed using the ordinary least square (OLS) method and E-View computer software. The results indicated Exchange rate fluctuation has a positive relationship with foreign direct investment. The result also showed that interest rate and inflation   contributed positively to the inflow of foreign direct investment in Nigeria while variables such as Gross fixed capital formation and Gross domestic product has a negative relationship with the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria. It was recommended that government monopoly on key sectors should be removed. Also, the government should provide enabling infrastructural and financial development that will not only encourage greater financial inclusion in rural area but also attract the inflow of agricultural sector, solid mineral sector and agro allied industry


Foreign Direct Investment, Exchange Rate, Gross Fixed Capital formation, Gross domestic product

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