B. C. Chine, Chukwukeluo Bernard Chine, Chiamaka Joe O. Akunne


This study examined peer influence and product advisement as predictors of smartphone consumer buying behaviour among post graduate students of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka in Anambra State.Peer influence and product advertisement have  been associated theoretically as having the potential for predicting consumers’ buying behaviour. One hundred and thirty-nine participants served in the study. Questionnaire was used to collect the data. Consumer buying behaviour scale peer relation scale and advertisement scale were used to weight the responses of the sample. Pearson product moment correction and simple regression analysis statistics served in the analysis of the data. The result of the first hypothesis showed that product advertisement significantly predicted smartphone consumers’ buying behaviour. The result of second hypothesis showed equally that peer influence significantly predicted smartphone consumers’ behaviour (r2=.30). The implication is that product advertisement and peer influence are very important in influencing consumers’ buying behaviour and therefore need to be encouraged by producers and marketers of products especially smartphone.


Peer influence, Product advertisement, and Consumers’ buying behaviour

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