This is a study on the Relationship between Local Politics and Peoples’ Participation in Community Development Activities in Rural Areas of Jigawa State. The objectives of the study were to determine the extent of local politics taking place in community development activities in rural areas of Jigawa State, determine the extent of peoples participation in community development activities in rural areas of Jigawa State and determine the relationship between extent of local politics and peoples’ participation in community development activities in rural areas of Jigawa State. The study is a correlational research whose population consisted of 2, 970 officials of Department of Social Welfare and Community Development and some leaders of major community based organizations and self help groups operating in the rural areas of the State. 341 subjects were selected and used as sample on the basis of deliberate or purposive sampling technique. Data were collected using two scales measuring the extent of local politics and peoples’ participation while analysis of data was made using frequency, mean and Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Results indicated that the extent of local politics in community development activities in rural areas of the State has reached the level in which locals are aspiring for local political and leadership posts through community based organisations and self help associations, leading community based organizations and self help associations into practical political activities designed to impact on community development activities and have realizing community development dividends through active civic engagement of residents and through local political activities, the extent of peoples’ participation in community development activities in the rural areas of the State is around establishing organizations with external initiative, participatory decision making and establishing the majority peoples’ control and leadership in project planning and implementation and monitoring, the relationship between local politics and peoples’ participation in community development activities in the rural areas of Jigawa state is perfectly positive. The study recommended that the extent of local politics and local political activities should be utilised by all stakeholders so that it can be full of fun, humour and can transform the socio-political phenomenon of the community, community development planners and other stakeholders in the rural areas of Jigawa State level should create opportunities for people to take part actively in the design, implementation and management of community development interventions so as to increase the level or extent of participation among local government and non local government employees in the State and since there is a positive relationship between local politics and peoples’ participation it should be effectively utilised as a factor for improving the spectrum and efficacy of participation in community development activities.
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