This paper x-rays how the drive to acquire international education has developed our international students who travel in their numbers across the border to acquire global knowledge. Developing countries across the world has tactically engaged in sending their students to developed countries with the aim of acquiring a truly international education that will attend to their all round development. Meanwhile as researches have shown, assessing how these teeming populations of students are developing has been difficult. Thus, the paper has examined the interest in foreign education and student’s development and realised that the need to have a foreign degree is chief among the reasons for Nigerian students overseas education sojourn. The paper has equally examined how the cross-cultural contact occurring from international education has shaped the developmental trajectories of our students. Likewise, how important the Western education that is mostly sought by Nigerian students has contributed to the development of the developing countries is also considered in this paper. The paper concludes by considering the benefits in terms of development that sojourners from developing countries get from engaging in foreign education.
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