Obiageli Chineze Ojiba (CLN), Ndidi Grace Nwankwo (CLN), Ifeyinwa Loveth Chukwu


This research work examined the perception and attitude of librarians in Anambra State towards publishing in open access journals. The population for the study comprised all the 208 librarians working in the 16 libraries in Anambra State. There was no sampling because of the small size of the population. A self-developed questionnaire entitled “Attitude of Librarians towards Open Access Publishing Questionnaire (ALOAPQ)” was used for data collection. The structured pattern adopted was a four-point Likert - type scale of strongly agree (SA), agree (A), disagree (D) and strongly disagree (SD). The validity of the instrument was established by three experts: one from Measurement and Evaluation; two from Library Information Science Department, all in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra State. Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Co-efficient was used to obtain a reliability co-efficient value of 0.84 which seems enough for the study. Data collected were analysed using mean. Scores from 2.50 and above were adjudged to be acceptable while scores below 2.50 were regarded as non - acceptable. The findings include that librarians in Anambra State are aware of OA journals, they publish their papers in both traditional and open access journals, and that high cost of publication is a barrier in publishing in OA platforms. Based on the findings, the study recommended amongst others that academic libraries in institutions of higher learning in Anambra State should organize seminars periodically on the need for their librarians to research and publish in OA journals.


Open access, Publishing, Librarians, Perceptions

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