Sunday Ugo (PhD), Tagbo Uchenna Onyilofor (PhD), Prof. Hilda E. Osisioma, Ebele Mary Onwuka (PhD)


The employees in most brewing firms in South East Nigeria are often engaged in various tasks, working long hours, indeed, more than 48 hours per-week which makes it very difficult for them to strike a balance between personal and work lives. This paper explored the nexus between flexitime and affective commitment of brewing employees in South East Nigeria. Work-family border and boundary theory served as the theoretical framework. Descriptive survey research was adopted. A sample size of 371 was statistically generated from a population of 5027 employees of three major brewing firms in South-East Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. Generated data were analyzed using mean ratings, standard deviations and presented in tables. The hypothesis was tested using Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient analytical technique. The findings revealed amongst others that there is a significant positive relationship between flexitime and affective commitment of brewing employees in South East, Nigeria with r = 0.811, and p-value = 0.000. The paper concluded that for any organization to maintain or command high level of employee commitment, implementation of flexitime flexibility where employees are fully aware of their job commencement and ending time must be prioritized. It recommended amongst others that the brewing industry should do more in the application of flexitime in order to secure more and sustain affective commitment from employees of the brewing firms.

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