Hadiza Mali Bukar (PhD)


This paper will assess the effects of outright embezzlement on performance of local governments on service delivery in local government areas of Yobe State, Nigeria. Local Government Administration has been an integral part of administration machinery particularly, in the contemporary modern world. Thus the responsibilities of the central, regional or state governments have become so enormous, and complex that could not be possibly shouldered so effectively the local needs. In most third world countries, Nigeria in particular, modern local government administration emerged for the purpose of democratizing the local governments, so as to bring them closer to the people at the grassroots in order to meet their socio-economic needs. Yet, the local government performance since the return of Nigeria to a ‘democratic type of government’ has remained underdeveloped in terms of financial resources, transparency, accountability, financial waste, corruption, joint account, and politicization of service delivery. , this paper will focused on assessing on  the effects of outright embezzlement on the provision of service deliver

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