Philip Oyadiran, Peter Anaele Okoroafor, Iro Uke Iro


The study is an investigation into the implementation of the Universal Basic Education (UBE) policy in Nigeria: A case study of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The purpose of the study is to investigate the manner in which the FCT Universal Basic Education Board (UBEB) is implementing the UBE policy, with a view to finding out if the policy is achieving its stated principal objective of providing qualitative, free, compulsory, universal basic education to all eligible Nigerians between the ages of six and fifteen. The study adopted the exploratory survey method and had a sample of 228 respondents randomly selected from staff of the FCT UBEB, teaching/non-teaching staff of public primary and junior secondary schools in the FCT. A 13-item open and close-ended questionnaire was used in obtaining primary data, which was supplemented with secondary data. Data were analyzed using the simple percentage statistical method, while the theoretical framework of analysis adopted for the study was the Iglesias Model of Public Policy Implementation Process. The investigation produced the following findings, among others: The FCT UBEB was slow in achieving its objectives; The quality of the UBE programme design and inputs was inadequate in the FCT; The UBE in the FCT lacked adequate human, institutional and financial resources for the implementation of the policy; The UBE in the FCT enjoyed stable political environment; and The UBE in the FCT lacked adequate monitoring. Consequently, the study has advanced some recommendations, which included that The Government should urgently re-structure the UBE legal framework and implementation procedure in such a way that the UBE policy programme shall be adequately and centrally funded to ensure adequate funding and timely release of approved financial allocations, effective monitoring, provision of adequate facilities/human resources of the UBE in the FCT, among others.

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