Bassey U. Obeten (PhD), Brown Egbe Isokon


Life generally is a dynamic continuum characterized with season and time. Every living being passes through birth and eventually die, thus completing a life cycle. The impact of death and bereavement creates a structural dislocations in the family system and society. This void is often experienced by the bereaved and close associates of the dead, in terms of socio-economic valuations. The way people mourn or grief and respond to death relatively differs from culture and background with accompanying socio-economic effects.  Every individual is aware of the inevitability of death, even though, the subject matter is often evaded and mostly ignored. Death is seen as evil and bad omen, but its reality is certain. The attendant socio-economic effects must be brought to the front burner to provide effective support system to the family through rehabilitation and adjustment processes. This paper therefore is a descriptive research meant to examine the socio-economic changes in family system, and the place of social work profession as a moving force in social engineering to help the family to achieve a balance, adapt and adjust to the new changing roles and responsibilities placed on them. The paper conclude that death is a  natural phenomenon and society, individuals and family need to create good interpersonal relationship and interactions that would ultimately promote healthy living and  homeothesis. The study therefore recommend amongst others that social work profession must be alive and responsive to provide support mechanism for effective rehabilitation and adjustment. 


Death, bereavement, adjustment and Rehabilitation, Social Work

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