F. T. Dahunsi, Prof. G. O. Alegbeleye, M. E. Madukoma (PhD)


Library is the resources center of any tertiary institution, a place to visit regularly to update gap in knowledge, however the issues of unavailability of influential infrastructural facilities have been a serious impediment to library patronage among academics in south-west, Nigeria. On this basis, this study investigated the influence of library infrastructural facilities on library patronage among the academic in South-West Universities in Nigeria. Three hundred and ninety structured and validated Likert-scale type copies of questionnaire were administered to respondents, out of which three hundred and fifty were retrieved for data analysis. The questionnaire was based on library patronage and availability of library infrastructure variables. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select the respondents. Descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages, mean and standard deviation and regression analysis were used to analyse the data. The study found that there was low level of library patronage of academic staff in university libraries (mean=2.26), most resources in the library were sparingly used by academic staff in university libraries (mean=102.4). Also, more infrastructural facilities are available (mean=14.2), but less adequate (mean=42) and less stable (mean=6.5). Further analysis revealed a significant influence of availability of library infrastructure on library patronage of the academics of universities in South-West, Nigeria [t(348)=7.423, p=0.000; R2=20.1%; F(1.325)=55.107, p=0.000]. It is concluded from this study that improving availability of library infrastructure would improve library patronage of the academics of universities in South-West, Nigeria. It is recommended amongst others, that academic libraries Administrators to make available modern infrastructural facilities that will attract patronage, Academic staff in Nigerian universities should cultivate and sustain the habit of regular and effective use of library resources and services provided by their university libraries.


Academics, Academic library, Library Infrastructure, Library patronage

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