Barbara Onwuemene


This study examines the impact of employee retention strategies on organizational performance in Nigerian Public Service. Anchored on the Job embeddedness Theory, the study provides valuable insight into the effectiveness of retention strategies employed by the Nigerian Port Authority in enhancing the organization’s performance. It also investigates the challenges facing employees’ retention and how employees’ turnover can be minimized in the public service. In realizing the stated research objectives, primary data were collected from selected staff of Nigerian Ports Authority with the use of questionnaire and interview.  The retrieved copies of the questionnaire were analyzed using both mean and standard deviation statistical tools. The study revealed the significance of the retention strategy employed on organization’s performance. It shows how retention strategies mitigate employee turnover in the organization. The findings lead to the conclusion that the use of retention strategies is significant to improving (organization) performance and the imperative of valuable retention practices in the Nigerian Public Service. It therefore recommends that more should be done on training and development in order to adequately maximize the potential of staff. managements to encourage employees to participate in decision making processes as the higher the participation of employee in the decision-making process, the easier it is to gain the employees loyalty more on training and development as employees’ performances are enhanced through training and development.



employee, retention, strategy, organizational performance

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