Hepzibah Ladi Achanya, Ann Ijoyah Efe


The Corona virus disease also known as Covid-19 came with a shockwave that activated global panic button resulting in border closures, cancelled flights, social restrictions and lockdowns. The speed of its spread created global fear leading to trading of blames among world leaders thereby creating diplomatic tensions across the world. This paper examines the nature of Nigeria’s-China international relationship in the Covid-19 era with specific focus on China’s humane approach. Utilising the qualitative methods of research, this paper critically discussed the nature of international relations in the Covid-19 era. The paper further undertakes an analysis of Nigeria’s-China international relationship in the management of Covid-19 pandemic. It submits that China has successfully showcased a humane component of its international relations which had hitherto remained unknown. The paper argues that supports provided by China was critical in providing the needed leverage for Nigeria in combating the Covid-19 pandemic in the country.


International relations, China-Nigeria relations, Covid-19, Corona Virus Disease and Diplomatic Tension

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