Sandra N. Ikenyei


The recent clashes between herdsmen and farmers in Abraka community heightened the sufferings of inhabitants as lives and properties worth millions were destroyed. Cause of the conflict centre on water and grazing rights between pastoral Fulani herdsmen and agrarian farmers. The conflict has become fatal as herdsmen defend themselves from farmers who obstruct their grazing activities. Generally, insecurity and stagnation deepened as reprisal attacks threatened lives and social order. While past researches focus on causes and economic cost of the crisis, little attention has been given to its physiological effects on the level of insecurity and disunity among the different ethnic groups in Abraka. Thus, this study explored its psychological effects on security and unity. Explanation core variables anchored on dialectic materialism and social conflict theory. Qualitatively, a total of 425 questionnaires were used to generate quantitative data among respondents. Qualitatively, in-depth interview and snow ball method was used to generate more information that complements that of the questionnaire.  While 95% of the respondents were randomly sampled, 5% were carefully snowballed. Data was analyzed with the use of percentages, tables and chi-square statistical tool. Qualitative data was content analysed. A total of (25.1%) revealed that destruction of crops and other properties situated in the farm are the major reason why farmers barricade herdsmen and their cattle.  On the other hand, burning of rangelands and blockage of stock routes and water points to avoid encroachment on farm lands and destruction of crops herald attacks against farmers by herdsmen who force their way to graze their animals (24.9%). The farmers (86%) reported wide range of cattle rustling, armed assaults and killing whenever there is disagreement. Community members suffered varying degree of destruction in the midst of the conflict. X2=10.52>0.05 significant level shows that, the effects on both parties ranged from physical, economic, to socio-psychological damage. 


Conflict and Consequences, Dynamics, Farmers farmland and Herdsmen

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