Folasade Kolawole, Joseph O. Olorunsaye, Benedicta Ogochukwu Ezeudu


Since the beginning of the 21st century the concept of the library advanced focus from simple collections to connections and now to communications for collaboration. It all began with acquisitions, to storage and to access, in order to respond to challenges posed by an increasing information glut in networked information-based society. Today, Libraries, Museums, Archives and Information Commons have helped developed countries intellectually to achieve successes. Almost everything in the past have been documented and preserved to challenge the present in its leap into the future. This development informed a new generation of library user– the millenials, who uses emerging technologies which enables information access within and outside the library. But, the integration of Millennials into Nigerian Libraries that is infrequently used remains a mirage. Therefore, the use of emerging technologies to increase collection, creation, consolidation, communication and collaboration in Nigerian Libraries is a crucial contrast.


Nigerian Libraries, Millennial

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