Assessment of heavy metals in groundwater located around petroleum depot in Apapa area has been done using Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) technique. Water samples collected were analyzed for copper (Cu), manganese (Mg), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), and cadmium (Cd). The overall mean concentrations (range) of 0.058mg/l (0.002-0.169mg/l), 0.275mg/l (0.011-1.634mg/l), 0.050mg/l(0.005-0.134mg/l) were obtained for Cu, Mg, and Zn respectively in the study area and values of 0.082mg/l, 0.153mg/l and 0.181mg/l was recorded for Cu, Mg and Zn respectively from the control area. The levels of Cu and Zn in the water samples of both the study and the control area were observed to be below the prescribed limit set by regulatory bodies. Pb, Cr, Ni and Cd were absent in all the water samples from the study and the control area. It was observed that Manganese (Mn) concentrations in 18 water samples in the study area were significantly above the recommended limit. The source of Mn contamination could be from anthropogenic activities such as loading and offloading of petroleum products. This pollution of groundwater in this vicinity caused by Mg contamination is a potential threat to the people living in the area as groundwater is their major source of potable water. Therefore, treatment of water in the study locations prior to its use for drinking and domestic purposes is recommended. The outcome of this study suggests the need for further research in the area.
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