This study examines the influence of budget and budgetary control on planning and decision making in selected Osun state government ministries in Nigeria. Questionnaire method was utilized to gather the data used for the study and the outcome of the research was analyzed using frequency, Standard deviation, mean, percentages, and multiple regression analysis. The questionnaire was administered on 100 respondents out of the total of 120 circulated. The data collected were analysed using simple regression analysis and all hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that that there is a functional significant relationship between the service provided by the ministries and level of satisfaction derived by the populace with R=0.842 and p-value = .000, which lies below the α (alpha) values of 0.05. It also showed that there is a significant relationship between adequate funding of ministries and the achievement of ministries targeted goal with R= 0.495 and p-value = .000, which obviously lies below the α (alpha) values of 0.05. The study concluded that the populace is satisfied with the services provided by each ministries and the expectation of the populace is that the ministries will do better in meeting their needs better if they were well funded.
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