The study examined drug abuse threat on Educational Career of commercial bus drivers and motor-cycle riders in Zaria urban center. Questionnaires were used to collect data. The instrument used was validated and tested for reliability. 250 sampled respondents were used with 150 administered to motor-cycle drivers while 100 to bus drivers respectively. Administration of questionnaire was done at the various parks/terminals to ensure that only registered members/residents were interviewed not passer-byes. Descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages and mean were used to analyse data collected. Majority (68%) of the respondents abused drugs such as Tobacco or Marijuana randomly and 50%-64% were either drop-out or had only informal education. Frequent rates of school drop-out was attributed to drug abused as the major cause, hence, it was recommended amongst others that Schools, Unions, Government, Communities, parents and owners of the machines/buses should monitor the activities of the drivers through application of strict measures to avoid access and abuse of such drugs. It was also recommended that certain level of education e.g. secondary certificate should be the minimal certification to permit one drive such commercial automobiles as applicable to political office seekers.
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