This paper examines crime control and the rehabilitation of ex-prisoner in Anambra State prisons. The research design for this research work takes the form of a descriptive survey, as it uses one-time-only observation but involve as many variables as are necessary for the study. The study, Validity and Reliability was used for the Data collection. Primary and Secondary source of data were also used the collection of data. Questionnaires and oral interview were also carried out by the researcher. Rehabilitation has never be remedy to crime control, the government as a body have a major role to play in transformation of life and making crime to live a normal life nor change them. The police support has never being change but it has bring as more crime in the society. Normative principles have deep roots in jurisprudence and theories of governance and are needed to supplement empirical evidence to guide future policy and research according to the conclusion and recommendations of this study.
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