Considering the importance of human capital in the 21st century, many researchers and human resource specialists have posited that organisations should focus more on how to achieve the satisfaction of their employees. Organisational Climate has significant consequences for both individual employees and the organisations. This study examined the impact of organisational climate on job satisfaction among the employees of hotels in Osun State, Nigeria. Twenty (20) hotels of different categories were chosen purposively while convenience sampling method was used to select 100 employees based on their willingness and ability to provide the needed information. Primary data was employed with the aid of questionnaires that were structured on a Likert scale of 1-5, indicating strongly agree (SA) to strongly disagree (SD). Percentage method was used to analyse the data collected from the respondents. The findings of the study showed that certain factors of organizational climate such as rewards, warmth and commitment influence job satisfaction. Thus employees in hotels are more satisfied with the organizations whose mission and objectives are in tandem with their personal beliefs. In order to foster and increase job satisfaction, the study recommended that organisations should create a motivating environment and an equitable reward system to all employees; and that management should transform their organisational structure to a more flexible and decentralized one.
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