Nigeria as a nation is blessed with cultural Diversities which suppose to be an added advantage to development but rather, this huge advantage has been thrown to the winds. Despite various economic and social measures taken by successful governments to address the tide of economic problems, Nigeria’s economic and development aspirations continued to manifest in increase in unemployment, Inflation, poverty, corruption, soaring in prices of good and services. This is because, Nigeria has failed to acknowledge the cultural dimension of development. This is as a result of the fact that there has not been adequate sensitization of Nigerians and their policy makers to the cultural dimension of development. That which gave order and meaning to the past generations has been lost and superimposed by alien cultural heritage from the colonial Masters. Development prgorammes that take into account the cultural diversity of Nigeria and the place of culture in enhancing development of the country is lacking. This paper therefore posists that, there is the need to recognize, sustain and preserve the culture of the people and give them sense of belonging in development agenda for a sustained economic growth and development.
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