Sylvester N. Ogbueghu (PhD), Patrick Ifeanyi Nwafor (PhD), Paul Ikechukwu Ifere


This study investigated the influence of teachers’ characteristics on the Implementation of Senior Secondary School Economics in Onueke Education Zone. Four purpose and four research questions guided the study. The population of the study comprised 2,520 SS II students in all the schools in the four Local Government Areas that make up the zone. A sample of 280 SS II students was used for the study. A four point modified likert type questionnaire titled Teachers Characteristics on Implementation of Economics Curriculum Questionnaire (TCICQ) made up of 24 items was used. The instrument was validated by 3 experts in Social Science Education and Measurement and Evaluation. It was also subjected test re-test reliability given a coefficient of 0.84. The data was analysed with mean and standard deviation. The result indicated that teachers’ professional qualifications, experiences, motivational tendencies have significant influence in the teaching and learning of Economics (curriculum implementation) in the secondary schools. Gender of the teacher does not influence his/her ability to teach. This paper recommended that government should only employ teachers with certificates in Economics Education to teach the subject, economics teachers should be trained and re-trained to increase their experiences, that no teacher should teach Economics without instructional materials and that Field trip technique should be used extensively to teach Economics. The paper therefore concluded that the managers of Education in the study area should stimulate teachers’ characteristics for effective implementation of school curriculums. 


Teacher, teacher characteristics Economics Curriculum, secondary school, implementation and develop skills.

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