Cybercrime has assumed a new dimension amongst youths in recent time. It was for this reason that the National Assembly had in 2015 enacted an Act known as Cybercrimes (Prohibition and Prevention) Act, 2015 with a view to combating cyber offences in Nigeria. Despite this enactment, cybercrimes are still on the rise in Jigawa State and Nigeria at large, hence, the need to go beyond the law in a quest to find an effective way for the prohibition, prevention and detection of cybercrimes in Jigawa State. Many factors could be adduced as being responsible for the crime in Jigawa State. A sample size of 200 was selected through the use of multi stage sampling procedure. Questionnaire and In-depth interview guide were the main servants, businessmen/women and cyber operators, cyber offenders, private organizations. The specific aim is to investigate the factors responsible for cybercrime, ascertain the consequences of cybercrime, identify the various techniques used in cybercrime and examine the strategic measures that can be put in place towards reducing cybercrime. Findings were made, some of them include that there is a linkage between age and participant in cybercrime. Individuals are aware cybercrime exist. Quest for quick money is a major factor that pushes youth into committing cybercrime. The study recommended among other that the government, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and stakeholders should ensure that they put relevant programmes and campaigns which will make people to be more aware about cybercrime. The governmental, Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) and stakeholders should ensure that they provide job opportunities for all age categories. Furthermore, families being the primary agent of socialization should be willing to monitor and give their children the required education on crime and also monitor the kind of friends they keep.
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