Abasiofon Inemesit Akpan, Ignatius Uche Nwankwo (PhD)


The subjective nature of knowledge and perception often cast doubts on the bio-medical explanations of cancer.  Some cancer types are influenced by non-medical factors such as age, gender, race, diet and other environmental factors. There are also several real or imaginary beliefs across societies about causes and risk factors associated with cancer.The study examined perceptions of women in Awka South council area of Anambra state of Nigeria on risk factors associated with Cancer of the Cervix. The social cognitive theory was used as the theoretical framework. A combination of cluster, purposive, convenient and accidental sampling techniques was adopted in selecting 398 respondents. However385 copies of questionnaire were returned and analysed. Findings reveal that knowledge about the risk factors of cervical cancer was generally low. Their low knowledge of risk factors negatively influenced their perception of the disease. Among the proportion of women who claimed to have known about the features of cervical cancer disease,  majority of them are aware of its causative organism as Human Papiloma Virus and also know that  multiple sexual partners is a risk factor of the disease. However, apart from these two areas of knowledge, they seem to be ignorant or scored low in their knowledge of other risk factors. It was therefore recommended that the Anambra State Ministry of Health should develop aggressive cervical cancer awareness and sensitization programme for women in the area. She should also make available screening centres and start of  HPV vaccination among young girls as prevention against cervical cancer.


Knowledge, Perceptions, Cancer, Cervix, Human Papiloma Virus

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