The study evaluated the interaction between legal deposit law enforcement and institutional support on legal deposit compliance in Nigeria. The study adopted a survey design with a study population of four hundred and eighty-four (484) professional librarians, para-professional librarians and library officers working in the thirty-two (32) branches of the NLN and the headquarters in Abuja (NLN staff list April 2020), total enumeration was used because the population was very few. Data was analyzed using the SPSS software. The findings revealed that the institutional support and legal deposit law enforcement to a constant zero, compliance with legal deposit law would be 2.712. However, in the absence of these variables (institutional support and legal deposit law enforcement), publishers and authors would still comply with the legal deposit law in the National Library of Nigeria, considering the fact that, other factors (denoted by u) not investigated in the study can still influence legal deposit law compliance. The study concludes that the Legal deposit law enforcement has a strong positive influence on legal deposit compliance, which indicates that legal deposit law enforcement determines the degree publishers comply with legal deposit law in Nigeria. The study also recommended that National Library of Nigeria should embark on sustained orientation and enlightenment campaigns for scholars, researchers, academicians, booksellers, librarians, research and educational institutions on the need for legal deposit compliance and its benefits to them and the nation.
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