Babatunde Oladipupo Kumolu-Johnson (PhD), Olufemi Amos Akinbola (PhD), Ibrahim Forson Abdul-Azeez (PhD)


The increasing importance of employee career development to organizational success has been observed to have corresponded with the prevailing leadership style of the organization. Leaders in an organization can make or mar the success of the organization, this is because leaders influence every activity in the organization and they contribute to turnover and switchover of employees in an organization. As a result of this, the study examined the influence of transformational leadership style on employees’ career development in selected private schools in Abeokuta. The study conceptualized transformational leaders as idealized influence, inspirational motivation, individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation. The paper employed cross-sectional survey design. The population of the study comprised 158 teachers of private secondary schools in Abeokuta. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the sample size. The sample size of 113 was determined by Taro Yamane’s formula. The study used questionnaire to solicit information from the respondents. The study utilized Structural Equation Model to test the hypotheses. The result revealed that, all the dimensions of transformational leadership style had positive and significant relationship with employees’ career development in private secondary schools in Abeokuta. The study therefore concluded that the management of private secondary schools in Abeokuta should embrace transformational leadership in order to enhance employees’ career development.


Transformational leadership, career development, private school teacher.

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