Religion is an instrument of social control. It transforms people, guides and directs them to the good path of life. Religion is a humanizing force in human society which infuses in human beings the real human essence, attitude and qualities to be able to understand as well as do what ought to be done and avoid what ought to be avoided in the society. This paper titled “Religion and leadership skills development for governance and national development in Nigeria” seeks to examine among others, leadership crisis: An issue in Nigerian governance and national development; religion and character moulding in the society, religion and leadership skills development; religion and transformation of our national political actors; godly leadership and good governance practices; and godly leadership and national development. The paper concludes by stressing that the age-long leadership crisis undermining governance and national development in Nigeria will be a thing of the past when Christians, Muslims and traditionalist avoid religious camouflage and embrace wholeheartedly the tenets taught and upheld by their various religions. The paper recommends among others that religious leaders should be endeavour to practice what they preach and avoid sacrificing their faith and personal dignity on the alter of materialism and avarice.
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