Every organization in particular healthcare facility is facing numerous challenges in delivering high-quality healthcare services to meet patients’ aspirations through evidence best practices in the management of patients’ clinical/health information that health information management personnel practices. As a result of diverse needs of different patients and population characteristics, and evolving technological trend in service delivery, competitive intelligence is paramount for healthcare providers to remain competitive and advantageous in their respective job demands, lifesaving and environmental safeties. In actualizing the aims of providing quality healthcare services to recipients, accurate, reliable and tangible information on healthcare transactions has to be sort for and gotten from diverse sources of information that are primary, and secondary, print and non-print media based on the information management regulatory policy in the country concerned.
Furthermore, healthcare stakeholders’ collection or gathering of health data/information from diverse sources, analyzing and codifying it for actionable decision-making for quality healthcare services provisions in Nigeria has been a challenging over the years despite the laudable resources. To the aforementioned, the study recommends that all parastatal involve in healthcare service delivery, healthcare providers and other healthcare service stakeholders should always collaborate, work as a team to ensure good intelligence gathering and harnessing the phases of information/knowledge life cycle to remain competitive at minimum cost using right personnel at right time and right strategic management approach.
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