Michael Emeka Okpala


The research aimed at studying corporate social responsibility in Nigeria telecommunication sector (a study of Globacam Nigeria Limited Enugu) survey design was used in the study. The overall population was one hundred and twenty; comprising of both staff and customers of Globacom and Yam Yanane formula was used to determine the sample. The researcher used both the primary and secondary sources of data in the course of study. The primary data were collected through the instrument of questionnaire, interviews and observation. The secondary data were collected from text books, journals magazines, newspaper and libraries. Two hypotheses were developed for the work and Chi-square was used to test them (hypothesis). (The researcher findings of the project work revealed that social responsibility programmes are necessary, the findings also unveiled that Globacom Nigeria, a telecommunication firm carries out its social responsibility programme in its host community. The researchers recommended that the company should increase and expand its social responsibility programme corporate social responsibility is therefore something that a company should try and get right in implementing. It is something that business today should wholeheartedly be committed to the danger of ignoring social responsibility is too dangerous.


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