N. D. Umeoduagu, F.J. C. Odibo, M. O. Ikele


Cassava waste water is a starch-rich effluent produced from cassava bio-processing which is discarded into the environment where it constitutes pollution.  This research aim was to produce biomass and amylolytic enzyme from Aspergillus nomius using cassava effluent.  The effluent was obtained from local gari processing plants in Awka, Nigeria. Physico-chemical components of the waste water were determined. Fungal biomass was produced from 500 ml enriched waste water in a rotary shaker. Amylase was produced from the waste water in a batch fermentation using the best nitrogenous source fortification and its time course was monitored. Amylase and protein were assayed using standard procedures at 540 nm and 280 nm, respectively.The produced crude enzyme was tested for relative rate of raw starch hydrolysis on different native food starch substrates. The waste water had a starch content of 87.575±3.03 mg/L and reducing sugar of 129.3 g/L. A biomass weight of 3.9 g/100 ml of optimized waste water medium was recovered with an amylase activity of 4.9 u/ml. Yeast extract (1.5% w/v) gave the highest amylase activity compared to other nitrogenous sources. Recovered crude enzyme gave a percentage relative raw starch hydrolysis rate of 100 %( millet), 91.6% (Aerial yam), 87.5% (cassava) and 75% (wild cocoyam). This study shows that cassava waste water can be re-cycled as a useful and cheap industrial raw material for sustainable production of fungal biomass and amylase for industrial applications.


Amylase, Aspergillus nomius, Agro-Waste Conversion, Cassava effluent

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