This study examined the relationship between globalization and talent management of teaching hospitals in the South-South, Nigeria. A cross sectional research design was adopted for the study. The study respondents from the institutions constituted the population of the study; from the field survey, we retrieved and analyzed one hundred and eight (108) which was 78% of the population and of the copies of questionnaire; descriptive statistics was employed in analyzing the demographic data of respondents as well as percentage frequencies for univariate analysis; also, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) from AMOS version 20.00 was the statistical tool utilized to examine the relationship between the dimensions of globalization. The finding revealed that the dimensions of globalization as reviewed in extant research such as economic forces, technological forces and global education system significantly associate with talent management and its measures such as talent identification, talent attraction and talent retention and that performance management system significantly moderates the relationship between the variables. It was then concluded that knowledge workers are highly mobile and are highly sought-after resources. Consequently, a highly mobile workforce and increasingly competitive labor market have highlighted the need to focus on talent management. Thus, it was recommended that organizational leaders amidst globalization impacts should provide clear advancement opportunities, and implement contingent rewards; thus performance management system can be turned into an effective tool to retain top talent and prevent competitors from stealing a firm’s crucial source of competitive advantage.
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