Christopher Azaager Abari, Gbatse Austine Gbatse, Moses Egwu Onah


The study assesses land tenure practices and agricultural output in Konshisha local government area of Benue state, Nigeria. The main objectives of the study were; to investigate the various forms of land tenure systems, assess the effects of the land tenure system on agricultural output, and suggest solutions to the problem of land ownership. Functionalism was adopted as the theoretical framework. Sample size of three hundred and seventy-three (373) respondents and ten key informants were used to collect data. Findings from the study revealed numerous forms of land tenure systems available in Konshisha local government area such as communal, lease, rent/purchase, heritage and family land tenure systems. The most common form of land tenure system in the study area was identified to be family tenure with the majority 35.4% practicing the family land tenure system. The study revealed the effects of land tenure system to include decreasing agriculture output at low rate of between 0-2 tons of cereal crops. The Null hypothesis tested showed a strong effect of land tenure system on agricultural output hence land tenure leads to fragmentation of land, therefore, encouraging farming at subsistence level. Findings from the study suggested establishing law that will manage all land matters. Other suggestion includes discouraging all forms of land tenure activities and encouraging of mechanization of agriculture as well as giving women access to land in the society.


Land, land tenure, Agriculture, output

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