Okechukwu Okonkwo (PhD), Daniel Emmanuel Kayode (PhD), Ibrahim Hassan Jimba (PhD)


This study examines the effect of sustainability reporting and board structure on accounting conservatism of listed information and communication technology companies in Nigeria. Ex post facto research design was used. The population of the study comprised of 9 ICT companies as at 31st December 2021 listed in Nigerian Exchange Group (NGX) of which eight (8) firms were taken as the sample size using purposive sampling technique. The technique for data analysis was multiple regression, while the period of the study was from 2012 to 2021. Finding revealed that sustainability reporting, board of director’s gender diversity, board independence and board financial expertise have significant positive effect on accounting conservatism, while board size has an insignificant positive effect on accounting conservatism. The study recommends that companies should ensure that there is disclosure of the basic indicators of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and also ensures consistency on sustainability reporting, the disclosure of the basic indicators of GRI will assist investors in conducting company’s holistic review of opportunities and risks.


Conservatism, Sustainability Reporting, Agency Theory, Board Structure

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