E. Madukoma (PhD), Prof. Vincent E. Unegbu, Olufunmilola Abiodun Olorunkalu


The study investigated the librarians’ readiness and implementation of resource description and access (RDA) in academic libraries in South-West, Nigeria. The study adopted survey research design. The total population for this study was 1,215 academic librarians in 64 academic libraries in South-West, Nigeria. The sample size for this study is three hundred and thirty- four librarians from twenty academic libraries. Systematic sampling techniques was used to select 20 academic libraries out of 64 academic libraries in South -West, Nigeria. The research instrument used for this study was a self-structured questionnaire. A total number of twenty academic institutions in South-West, Nigeria was surveyed. The data collected was analyzed using statistical techniques such as mean, standard deviation, frequency. Statistical Package for the Social Services (SPSS version) was used for data analysis. Findings reveals the level of RDA implementation in academic libraries in South-West, Nigeria. From the overall mean (mean=2.75, SD=.993), it can be seen that the level of implementation of RDA is high. The study therefore concluded that librarians’ readiness is vital component for higher and greater implementation of RDA in academic libraries in South-West, Nigeria. The recommend that the management of the academic libraries in South-West, Nigeria, should educate and enlighten the librarians on the importance of the Information Communication Technology and the relevance of the librarians’ readiness as the prerequisite to the effectiveness of implementation of RDA in South-West, Nigeria.


librarians, readiness, access, RDA, academic libraries

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