Rhesus incompatibility is a red blood cell mismatch between a Rhesus negative mother and her unborn child which can lead to series of miscarriages or still births as a result of what is known as the Heamolytic Disease of the Newborn. This disease can be avoided with treatment if there is proper awareness. Anchored on the Bullseye theory of communication, this study aimed at finding out the awareness and knowledge of Rhesus factor incompatibility among pregnant women in Anambra state. Survey method was considered appropriate for the study and data was collected from a sample of 300 pregnant women selected from three general hospitals chosen purposively from the three senatorial zones in the state. Pregnant women were targeted for this study because they seem to be mostly at risk and ignorance at this point could lead to serious consequences. Out of the 300 copies of questionnaire distributed, 300 were duly returned and these were analyzed accordingly. The study established a significant level (56.7%) of awareness. Television and radio being the most accessible media in these communities only contributed 6.3% and 0.7% respectively as the source of awareness on Rhesus incompatibility. Majority of the respondents agreed to the knowledge based questions with percentages higher than those who are aware of Rhesus incompatibility. This indicates a strong possibility that many may have agreed based on their belief in the correctness of the statements and not knowledge alone. Awareness was found to be significantly associated with age, education and place of residence of respondents. Based on these findings, the study recommended the use of television and radio for more awareness and knowledge based campaigns as they are the most accessible media in communities in Anambra state as established by this study.
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