Nnennaya Samuel Okoro


The study investigates how Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan) seeds, an unconditional feed stuff, and generally abundant in the South East Nigeria can serve as part of formulated diet for Rabbit. The abundance of this seed coupled with its intensive use in Rabbit feed production is seen in this work as creating a comparative cost advantage for encouraging entrepreneurial activities in rabbit production. This work is geared towards giving undergraduates of tertiary institutions the necessary research support to decide on a career in small scale rabbit enterprise instead of looking for non-existent white collar job after graduation. To achieve the objectives of the study, twelve (12) 8-week old mixed breed rabbit bucks weighing between 700.2 and 850g were randomly divided into 2 groups of 6 animals per group and assigned to 2 experimental diets, T1 or control (conventional rabbit diet), T2 (boiled pigeon pea seed based diet). The result of the study revealed that the boiled pigeon pea based diet had no adverse effect on the growth and development of the rabbits. Based on the findings and conclusion, it was strongly recommended that if rabbits are to be profitably raised for commercial purposes, boiled pigeon pea seeds could be used to replace conventional feed ingredients, thereby reducing cost of feed production and hence providing business opportunities for young entrepreneurs that are interested in rabbit production.


Pigeon pea, entrepreneurs, rabbits

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