Chigoziri Augustine Amaju, Kelechi Emenike Eze, Chijioke Amah Ekeh


This study focused on the effect of Computer Simulation Assisted Instruction strategy on retention of students in Physics. Two Research Questions and two Hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted post-test delayed posttest quasi-experimental research design involving 93 Senior Secondary School II (SSS2) Physics students from four intact classes purposively selected and divided into experimental group exposed to CSAI and the control group exposed to TLTM. The study adopted multi-stage sampling techniques. The population of the study was 3480 (SSS2) Physics students from all the 225 coeducational public secondary schools in Abia State. A single instrument Physics Achievement Test (PAT) containing 50 multiple choice test questions; subjected to test of reliability using Kudar-Richardsons’(KR – 20) formular and a reliability coefficient of 0.82 was obtained. The data collected was statistically analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions and analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) at (0.05) level of significance was used to analyze the Hypotheses. The findings of the study showed that there was significant difference between the mean retention of students taught Physics with CSAI and TLTM in favour of the students’ with CSAI. Furthermore, the study revealed there was no significant interaction effect between teaching strategies (CSAI & TLTM) and gender on students’ retention in Physics when taught with CSAI and TLTM. In conclusion, the study revealed that CSAI when used in learning enhanced students retention and gender parity on the learning of Physics and recommends that teachers should adapt CSAI in the teaching and learning of Physics which was expository in nature with synergic positive effect. Also, curriculum planners should include computer simulation into the secondary school Physics curriculum to ensure schools administrators support in-cooperating computer simulation technology into their teaching pedagogies in Physics.


Computer simulation, Retention, Physics, Motivation and Gender

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